STILL POINT – Conversations with remote places

Conversations with remote places

Jacqui Higgs and Mary Walters will be exhibiting at St Margaret’s House, Edinburgh from 21 October – 5 November.

Jacqui Higgs SSA is an Edinburgh-based Dublin-born artist and qualified art therapist. Jacqui’s paintings and prints evolve from time spent in Caithness and the island of Tanera Mor in the Inner Hebrides, areas that provided challenging and exciting environments in which to live, work and play.

Through her work, she aspires to create a meditative state, although this can sometimes be elusive when engaged in an all-out battle with the wind-lashed elements of Scotland’s most Northerly remote coastlines.
During the summer of 2017, she temporarily departed from her studio practice to attend a screen printing course at Edinburgh Printmakers. Here, she experimented with overlaying and monoprinting her drawings, a selection of which is exhibited here.

Mary Walters is an Edinburgh-based artist, who has completed her professional career in community arts and art education.

She is now exploring a further career as a visual artist, working mainly in mixed media and printmaking. She has long been inspired by the landscapes of remote wilderness areas, including Iceland’s basalt cliffs, Finland’s forests, and Scotland’s Hebridean islands.
She is currently attempting to distil her impressions of these landscapes into abstract works, working through memories of the essence of her experiences on artist residencies over the past few years.

Conversations with remote places
21 October – 5 November